I'm pretty sure we only planned the shower to be 2 hours long but it may have been three. (Alex would finish that last sentence with "I've drank since then" which apprently is a good excuse for not remembering things). Factoring in socializing and opening presents I knew that we weren't going to have a ton of time to do much else. But I get super parnoid and like to over plan, so I planned to games and one activity. And then the Bride was almost an hour late so we pretty much only did one game.
The game we didn't do is the one where you are on teams and dress one people up in a toilet paper wedding dress. Then the Bride was going to pick her favorite. But we didn't have enough time so we didn't do this one. That was okay though because I'm not sure people really like this game. Plus its not like I wasted any supplies because I planned ahead and did not buy the super cheap toilet paper. Now I'm stocked fora few months.
Once I had my list, I modified it a little and printed a copy for the Groom to fill out. Then at the shower, the Bride had to guess what the Groom had answered. Small issue number 1. I may or may not have waited until the night before the shower and handed the Groom the list of questions at a tailgate for the Royals-Cardinals game. So by the end of the night when he got home and started answering the questions, he may have had one or two drinks. Which may have put the Bride at a slight disadvantage because she was guessing what Sober Groom would have said. Whoops.
For the other half of the game, I handed out lists of questions to everyone at the shower including the Bride. Then once everyone had written down their answers, the Bride said what she answered and you got a point if you got it right. SLight issue number two was I think the Mother of the Bride got a little upset that she didn't know all of the answers. I tried to come up with a good mix of questions since we had guests who were the Bride's family, the Groom's family, friends from college, friends from church and other random people. The Bride is from St. Louis but lives in KC now so hasn't live at home with her parents for a while. Nothing I could have done probably to remedy the situation so I didn't stress about it too much.
For prizes for the game, I went to Trader Joe's and bought a lot of chocolate. It was cheap and almost everyone likes chocolate. And if you don't like chocolate, you know someone who does. Plus, I took the extra home for me and Alex to eat.
The last game wasn't really a game, but more like an activity. We did a Date Night Jar. I got a jar from Hobby Lobby and cut up slips of paper and had people write down ideas for dates. Some of them were funny and some were serious. Alex actually asked me to write down all of the ideas for him because he has a hard time planning dates. We actually held on to this and had it at the bachelorette party too because a lot of the girls at the bachelorette party didn't go to the shower. I stuck the instructions in a frame so people would know what to do. This was really great for downtime at both the shower and the bachelorette party.
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